Friday, December 17, 2004

Booze and Money, Day 1

From December 16th through the end of the Spring Semester, I am going to do something that no person should do to themselves. This is not only cruel and unusual, as well as unjust, but backlash could be life-altering. No person deserves this, so why am I going to do it? Because I am just too damn curious.

I am going to keep track of how much money I spend on booze, at the store and at bars, over the next five months.

So, we start with yesterday, Thursday the 16th:

30 Pack Milwaukee's Best Light: $12.65

She-nan's: $12.50 ($3.75 was spent people other than myself).

It was a pretty cheap night at the bar for me, usually I am in the 20's or, unfortunately, higher.

Booze Total After 1 Day: $25.15

Don't do it, it might cause you to give it up or "cut back"... and you don't want to do that.
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