Tuesday, March 01, 2005

It's What I Do

I have been watching DVD commentaries until 4-5 in the morning a lot lately. It may be hurting the collegiate academic career, but I'm looking at it as an investment in my future. I look at playing poker in the same way.

I own 133 DVD's, so I have many commentaries to go through and many commentaries to revisit.

A few of my favorites:

The House of Sand and Fog
American Beauty
The Usual Suspects
Moonlight Mile
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Those are a few.

It's amazing the thoughts that some commentaries can trigger. I need to start watching them with a pen in hand.

Until Later.

I love the comentary on American Beauty. I don't think you can say you full appreciate that film until you watch it with comentary.
And Eternal Sunshine is good, too.
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